THE NEWZ Vol.15 English Ver.

including the substance of THC are not allowed to handle, and the recommendation and information on its production and consumption are prohibited. For example, the products in the shop are essence and tea made from CBD, not THC. CBD is known as a non-[Photo] Cannabis store in townpsychoactive and non-addictive substance.Because the dealing of CBD is not prohibited and its cannabis is legally cultivated in the EU. CBD is authorized as the official medicine of the EU these days.and amphetamine. Besides, the possible danger of cannabis is not regarded as much as other luxury items like tobacco and alcohol. The list of people’s reaction toward the danger of other items by the research is as follows: cocaine(85%), tobacco(73%), alcohol(54%), the cannabis(34%), sugar(28%), fat and glutamic acid(about 20%). In terms of cannabis, 40 % of the people think of it as medical products and 12% as luxury items. The rest places it in illegalized drugs.the year, only medical cannabis is allowed in public. The medical cannabis includes the substance of THC which is prohibited as luxury items is for medical treatment of nausea and vomitingThe Reaction of People in AustriaBy the way, Germany legalized cannabis as luxury items on 16th August in 2023. After the decision of the German government, there was a discussion about cannabis in Austria. The organization of market and public opinion,Marketagent, addressed the research of 1000 people between 14 and 75 years old. The result shows that 48.1% for and 51.9% against the legalization of cannabis. On the other hand, 9 for 10 people disagree with the legalization of other drugs such as cocaine The Medical CannabisAs I mentioned before, cannabis for medical treatment is legalized in Austria. In the background of the legalization, cannabis was legalized with the limitation of possession of only 20g, but this law was abolished in 2008. After Other ThingsIn Japan, the use of the substance of CBD is legalized with the limitation, while THC is prohibited. In November this year, gummy candy containing the substance of HHCH became a big problem among young people, and HHCH is prohibited soon. Meanwhile, CBD gummy candy is also dealt. It is said that it is effective to relax and relieve stress… What do you think?12

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