THE NEWZ Vol.15 English Ver.

Many people have long considered pregnancy, childbirth, and parenting as major life events that will eventually happen. While becoming a father is undoubtedly a significant change for men, from a physiological perspective, the experience of "becoming a mother" holds something extraordinary.In Japan, as in many places, the dynamics surrounding pregnancy, childbirth, and parenting have significantly changed in recent decades. With increasing social More and more women are returning to the workforce after maternity and childcare leave, drawing attention to issues such as waiting lists for childcare and navigating the process of securing childcare placements. In this context, some harbour aspirations for "giving birth and raising children abroad." The image of a child naturally mastering multiple languages and growing up in a culturally diverse environment is truly enchanting.Among Japanese women who undergo childbirth and childcare experiences in Canada, many find themselves In recent years, Japan has experienced a declining birthrate, influenced by factors such as economic conditions, changes in work patterns, and a postponement of the age at which individuals marry. As of 2020, Japan's birth rate is generally reported to be below 10 births per 1,000 people (approximately 8 births).On the other hand, Canada generally maintains a relatively high birth rate. As a multicultural country with a significant immigrant population, Canada may be influenced by diverse cultures and values. As of 2020, disconnection in local communities and a declining birthrate, the traditional figure of the well-meaning meddling aunt or the once child-friendly haven of parks, now devoid of certain play equipment, reflects the shifts in societal norms. The experience of pregnancy and motherhood is evolving against a backdrop of societal transformations, and the landscape of support and communal involvement has shifted. without the support of immediate family and with limited reliance on friends. Even if the husband's family is nearby, cultural differences can present challenges in mutual understanding. Additionally, frequent business trips by expatriate husbands and the language barrier, especially for those who need to improve in English, further contribute to the complexities. These factors, when combined, amplify the stress of pregnancy, childbirth, and childcare experiences that are already challenging in Japan, making the overseas experience even more demanding.Canada's birth rate is estimated to be above 10 births per 1,000 people (approximately around 11 births).In the Canadian province of British Columbia (BC), almost all expenses related to childbirth and hospitalization, including consultations, blood tests, and ultrasound examinations, are covered and free of charge. This includes procedures such as cesarean sections (C-sections) and epidural anesthesia for painless delivery. One distinctive feature of Canada, compared to Japan, is the higher rates of C-sections and epidural use. In Canada, over half of women 7 Takumi Ota      The University of British ColumbiaFertility rate in Japan and Canada Pregnancy and Childbirth

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