THE NEWZ Vol.16 English Ver.

 The reason for the high consultation rate in the U.S. is that the cost of cancer treatment is overwhelmingly higher than that of cancer screening, which is expected to be covered by specific insurance policies. This leads many people to undergo testing on the advice of their primary physicians. On the other hand, even though the rate of health checkups is high in Japan, the purpose of health checkups is to check the health status and presence of risk factors for disease. So even if a chest X-ray is performed, which may detect cancer, it is different from a “medical checkup” which determines whether a person has Cancer Screening Ratesnot entirely correct. For example, it has been revealed that the U.S. has the world’s highest cancer screening uptake rate, more than 40% higher than that of Japan.Cervical Cancer(20~69yrs)Colon Cancer(40~69yrs)84.5%42.1%a specific disease or not. Since many people undergo health checkups but do not receive physical examinations, there is a significant difference in the rate of health checkups between Japan and the U.S.In Japan, health checkups are basically free of charge, but this is not enough for disease prevention. I felt that it is necessary to understand the importance of “medical checkups,” and monitor your health. Furthermore, I think it would be good if we could imitate the attitude seen in the U.S. of working with consulting physicians to understand and improve health conditions.72.0%45.9%Hearing that health care is self-imposed and medical costs are high, one might think that disease prevention and early detection is difficult in the United States. However, that idea is Breast Cancer(50~69yrs)U.S.80.8%Japan41.0%*Source: Osaka International Cancer Center, “Early Detection of Cancer through Cancer Screening.4

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