THE NEWZ Vol.19 English Ver.

My Findings; Differences in Health Between Living in Japan and Texas In Japan, as the data indicates, people have more opportunities to move their bodies naturally by using public transportation for commuting and by taking stairs, rather than driving cars. Especially in Tokyo, walking is a common means of getting around, making physical activity a part of daily life rather than a conscious effort. Additionally, Japanese cuisine is well-balanced, allowing for a diet that is not overly skewed. Bento boxes and portion sizes in restaurants are smaller compared to those in Texas. In my experience, it is rare to leave food uneaten when dining out in Japan. In short, Japanese cuisine is nutritionally balanced, and portion control is a common practice, resulting in minimal food waste when dining out. In contrast, meals in Texas are larger, Summarytransportation is by car, there is very little physical activity during commuting. Additionally, the proportion of people exercising for hobbies or health is low.Prevalence of Physical Inactivity Overall, non-Hispanic Asian adults have the lowest prevalence of physical inactivity at 20.1%, followed by non-Hispanic White adults at 23.0%, non-Hispanic American Indian/Alaska Native adults at 29.1%, non-Hispanic Black adults at 30.0%, and Hispanic adults at 32.1%. This suggests that Asian individuals may have genetically lower BMIs. These statistics indicate that exercise habits and living environments significantly impact regional differences in BMI. On the other hand, in Texas, I often find that I have leftovers after every meal at restaurants, usually more than half of the portion, which I end up taking home. Moreover, Texas restaurants often lack the side dishes and salad sets that are common in Japan, leading to a more unbalanced diet. Furthermore, once you order a drink in a Texas restaurant, refills are often unlimited, leading to the consumption of large amounts of sugary beverages like cola. Combined with a lower level of physical activity, this contributes to higher BMI levels.and there is a higher incidence of leftover food in restaurants. The prevalence of unlimited sugary drink refills, coupled with low physical activity, likely contributes to higher BMI levels.8

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