THE NEWZ Vol.20 English Ver.

In Japanese schools, health education is also highly emphasized. This education is often integrated into home economics and physical education classes, covering a wide range of topics such as nutrition, exercise, sex education, and drug abuse prevention. Additionally, schools organize lectures and workshops on specific health themes to enhance children’s health awareness. Are you aware of the initiatives being taken in schools to protect children’s health? Schools are not only educational institutions but also places where children spend a significant amount of their time. Therefore, health management and medical In Japan, school health care is strictly regulated by law. The School Health and Safety Act mandates that schools conduct regular health checkups for all students. These checkups include measurements of physical growth, vision, and hearing tests, internal medicine examinations, and dental checkups. Additionally, Japanese schools have a doctor on site, dentists, and nursing teachers (commonly known as “school nurses”) who monitor the health status of students daily and provide necessary medical support. In Japanese schools, a “nurse’s office” is established where a school nurse is always on duty. The nurse’s office not only provides first aid for injuries and illnesses but also offers health consultations and psychological support. For instance, students can easily visit the nurse’s office for common ailments like cold symptoms and stomachaches, as well as for emotional concerns. The nurse’s office is a crucial hub for protecting the mental and physical health of children. Having a safe environment support in schools are extremely important. This report will compare the health management and medical support systems in schools in Japan and Canada, highlighting the characteristics and challenges of both countries.where children can talk freely contributes to their psychological stability. Multiple safe spaces where children can feel secure are vital for their growth and development. By providing various places where children can find their comfort zones—not just at school and home, but also within the community and in extracurricular activities—they can discover their places of belonging. コクリコ/ 元・養護教諭が気づいた「保健室」のような居場所が子どもたちに必要なワケ schools provide an environment where children can learn about health in depth and acquire practical skills that are beneficial in their daily lives. Strengthening health education is believed to significantly contribute to the future health and well-being of children. 9Takumi OtaThe University of British Columbia Health Management System The Role of the School Health Room Implementation of Health EducationChildren’s Health and School Medical Care

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