THE NEWZ Vol.20 English Ver.

The Medical Desert in France (Désert Médical)Japan: “Doctorless Areas” in depopulated regions First, let’s take a look at the issue of medical access in Japan. The biggest medical access issue in Japan is “medical shortages in depopulated areas.” A “doctorless area” is the region with more than 50 residents within a 4 km radius but they do not have easy access to medical facilities. According to a survey by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, as of July 2023, there were 557 such areas nationwide. Compared to 2019, when there were 590 doctorless areas, 33 areas improved the situation, showing a trend of improvement. However, considering that there are still over 550 areas with limited medical access, the situation remains quite serious. Additionally, the number of “dentist-less areas,” where access to dental care is difficult, is on the rise, and currently it’s up to 784 areas. hospitals in all regions due to its vast land area. Therefore, I would like to talk about “medical access problems” in this newsletter. Let’s look at a specific example. Tokai Television Broadcasting the situation of Higashi-Shirakawa Village in Gifu Prefecture. This village has only one remaining hospital, which neither perform surgeries nor accept emergency ambulance services. With 40% of its residents being elderly, this situation is a significant concern for the inhabitants in the village. In addition to the lack of users to support medical facilities, the exodus of physicians from rural areas worsens this problem. In a 2017 survey conducted by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, 48% of working doctors responded that they had no intention of working in rural areas. On the other hand, less than one-third of the doctors answered that they could work in rural areas for over ten years. This indicate there is two challenges to overcome: ensuring adequate medical facilities, and attracting medical personnels to rural areas. to under seeing a GP to obtain a letter of referral. One of the major challenges France faces is the “medical desert” (désert médical). This term refers to areas where there are not enough doctors for the population, specifically regions with insufficient doctors for every 100,000 3 Greeting Medical Shortages are getting serious!? Midori PedersonNeoma Business School Bonjour à tous.I’m writing this newsletter from the Champagne Region in France. Summer is approaching and I imagine it must be hot and humid in Japan this time of year. I’m working for a Champagne producer, and I am deeply moved by the changing seasons as I see the grapevines transform from bare branches to budding flowers, with fresh green leaves growing lushly. I am currently living in a quiet small village, which has beautiful surroundings like forests and grasslands. I often see deer, rabbits, and foxes while I’m taking a walk. This has made me curious about the access to medical care. France is a country with a land area 1.5 times that of Japan. Plus, the population in France is just half of Japan. It’s easy to imagine that France faces challenges in ensuring easy access to Now, let’s take a look at the current situation in France. Before digging into the main part, let me briefly explain the French medical system. The French consultation system is based on the general practitioner (GP) system. This means that for a detailed examination or consultation with a specialist, you must Medical care Accessibility issue in France and Janan

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