Japan’s Healthcare Insurance System Public Medical Insurance System National Health Insurance Employee’s Health InsuranceIn this article, I will explore the healthcare insurance systems of both countries. system that corresponds to their circumstances. Those who are not enrolled in any healthcare insurance must bear the full cost of medical expenses. Therefore, it is important to be covered by either National Health Insurance or Employee Insurance.and others who are not affiliated with a company.In most municipalities, benefits such as sickness or childbirth allowances are not provided, and coverage is generally less comprehensive than Employee Insurance. Therefore, it is recommended that coverage be supplemented with private health insurance to prepare for unforeseen situations.large companies, the Japan Health Insurance Association for employees of small to medium-sized companies, marine insurance for seafarers, and mutual aid associations for public employees.Hello, everyone. This is Mone. Did you know that the healthcare insurance systems in the United States and Japan differ significantly? In Japan, there is a system where all citizens contribute financially to support medical expenses in case of illness or injury. When utilizing medical services, patients are required to pay 10–30% of the treatment costs, while the remainder is covered by the healthcare insurance they are enrolled in. In Japan, it is mandatory for everyone to join a public healthcare insurance system known as the “National Health Insurance Program.”The public healthcare insurance system is one that everyone is required to join. It consists of three types: National Health Insurance, Employee Insurance, and the Medical Care System for the Elderly Aged 75 and over. Eligibility for these systems is determined based on factors such as age, occupation, income, or other conditions. Individuals are expected to enroll in the The National Health Insurance system is designed to ensure that individuals can access medical services with peace of mind in the event of illness or injury. It operates as a mutual aid system where citizens contribute payments based on their individual income, and these funds are used to assist with medical expenses when needed. The primary participants are self-employed individuals, farmers, those who are unemployed, Employee insurance is a type of health insurance designed for company employees and their families. Those who are not eligible for this insurance join the National Health Insurance system. Employee insurance is further categorized into health insurance managed by unions for employees of 12University at Albany, New York, U.S.A.Mone KanzawaHealth Insurance System in the U.S. and Japan
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