THE NEWZ Vol.24 英語

system in Japan through understanding differences with other countries.Midori Pederson, Neoma Business School, Rouen, FranceI hope this article will help readers to understand strengths and points for improvement of the medical Ayano Takaki, Waseda University, Tokyo, JapanI am in charge of layout editing.I would be happy if this article helps you to broaden your horizon.Midori Pederson, Neoma Business School, Rouen, FranceI hope this article will help readers to understand strengths and points for improvement of the medical system in Japan through understanding differences with other countries.Nanami Nishiyama, Wilderness Awareness School, DuvalL WA, U.S.A.There are so many discoveries once looking at the differences in health care system between other countries. Therefore, I would be so happy if you could broaden your view and have an interest towqrds health throughout this article. Yuto Hiruta, Langara College, Vancouver, CanadaIn writing this article, I would like to compare the details of Canadian medical care with those in Japan.Shota Takanouchi, Semmelweis University, Budapest, HungaryI promise not to waste your time on reading these articles!Mone Kanzawa, University at Albany, New York, U.S.A. I hope to spread the word about the differences between the U.S. and Japanese healthcare systems based on what I have experienced. Daiki Wakabayashi, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, GermanyI will present the information clearly and simply for readers.17[Reporters][Editors]

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