•••5 Challenges Facing Our Healthcare System ConclusionThe national healthcare information platform aims to standardize electronic medical records and enable smooth sharing of patient data between institutions. By eliminating the need for referral letters and the risk of unnecessary duplicate tests, this system will enable more efficient, high-quality healthcare delivery with fewer efforts.In the case of medical reimbursement DX, digital technologies will be used to reduce the burden and confusion at the frontline caused by reimbursement system revisions.However, given the shortage of healthcare professionals due to the aging population, fully utilizing healthcare DX technologies may be essential to ensure that everyone has access to high-quality medical care.In France, approximately 60% to 70% of private doctors and over 90% of hospitals have adopted electronic medical records. In addition, the introduction of the Dossier Médical Partagé (Shared Medical Record) in 2022 has made it easier for patients to access their medical consultation details and health data. What also surprised me was the ability to book appointments online and record symptoms in advance. The management of appointments reduces waiting times, and since consultation details can be reviewed later, it allows for a smoother and more reassuring treatment experience. Furthermore, this system helps avoid the risk of redundant tests and unnecessary interactions, making it beneficial for both healthcare professionals and patients.As such, healthcare DX (Digital Transformation) can be incredibly beneficial for patients. However, challenges persist—many elderly individuals struggle to navigate the platform, and in some rural areas with limited internet access, adoption remains slow.In Japan, new initiatives are being introduced with a target for 2030 called “Healthcare DX Reiwa Vision 2030.” The following objectives have been proposed:Achieve 100% adoption of electronic health records by2030.Create a national healthcare information platform.Implement DX in the revision of medical reimbursementsystems.This time, I have summarized the issues currently facing healthcare and how digital transformation (DX) in healthcare could offer potential solutions. Implementing DX involves significant time, effort, and costs, including adapting to the technology, training people, and enhancing customer service.
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