THE NEWZ Vol.24 英語

Hogeweyk, a home for the elderly in the Netherlands AI robot usage and study worldwide Conclusion Nevertheless, it is anticipated that improvements are needed in terms of the burden on families, people’s understanding of dementia, and mental support for dementia patients.Hogeweyk is a nursing home in the Netherlands that is entirely for persons with dementia. It was first made public in 2012 as a “village exclusively for people with dementia” and has since been well-known throughout the world for its distinctive welfare philosophy. The institution is based on the concept of a “village where people with dementia can experience “everyday life,” which includes restaurants, movie theaters, supermarkets, and other amenities needed for daily living, as well as a setting where individuals with severe dementia can freely participate in events on the property. Compared to the number of residents, there are a lot of workers.Every resident has a lot of staff, and they are all very helpful in case something happens. They treat residents like “members AI robots are currently being utilized globally to provide both practical and psychological help to elderly individuals and dementia patients. Dr. Janet Wiles and her colleagues at the University of Queensland are leading the way in dementia care research and promoting the use of AI robots in technology Dr. Moojan Ghafurian and her colleagues at the University of Waterloo explore the complex field of socially assistive robots, highlighting the difficulties in their creation as well as the vital roles that emotional intelligence and personalization play. Their study focuses on using instructional reminders to support cognitive support and everyday life activities.The team’s goal is to create robot personalities and emotions appropriate for the setting. The successful integration of these robots into daily life requires striking a balance between I felt that it would be reassuring for dementia patients to have people around them like in Hogeweyk, the Netherlands who understand dementia very well, and it would make their lives easier. I hope that in Japan, there will be more opportunities Let’s take a look at what measures are being taken at the world-famous Hogeweyk.of the community” and don’t wear nursing or nurse uniforms. All employees are qualified professionals with enough training and experience to help individuals with dementia feel comfortable and receive the right kind of assistance if they, for instance, can’t figure out their change or forget their wallet while shopping.One of the main characteristics is that the lifestyles of the residents are separated into seven units, allowing for the coexistence of people who share similar ideals. They have a choice.They can choose according to their preferences, such as indoor, artistic, urban, or Christian, and even the style of their room or town. creation through participatory design. According to her, creating technology for individuals with dementia requires knowing their unique needs and skills and then customizing it for them.practical functionality and emotional connection. This method guarantees that socially assistive robots meet users’ emotional demands in addition to helping with learn about dementia and more places where people can support each other, even if it is not to the extent of a village. 7

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